BC Hydro - Seven Steps to Electrical Safety
content courtesy of www.bchydro.com
Electricity is a part of our everyday lives and must be treated with respect. Everyone should know the 7 Steps to Electrical Safety. Learn them and pass them on. Remember, they don't call it power for nothing!
1. 10 Metres to Safety
Stay back at least 10 metres (33 feet) from any fallen power line or exposed underground cable.
2. Look up and live
Look up, check and keep equipment clear of overhead power lines.
3. Know your limits
When using equipment in the vicinity of power lines, always maintain the limits of approach: from 3-7 metres (10-20 feet) depending on the voltage.
4. Don't hang around operating equipment
Stay at least 10 metres (33 feet) from operating equipment, in case it contacts an energized line.
5. Shuffle or hop - Don't Step
If your vehicle makes contact with an energized line remain inside until help arrives. If you must get out due to fire, jump out with your feet together. Then shuffle away, keeping both feet close together. Never contact the ground and your vehicle at the same time.
6. Call before you dig
To avoid contacting underground power lines, before you dig, call BC One Call at 1 800 474-6886.
7. Don't become a victim
Always call local emergency personnel when someone is injured in an electrical accident.
Make sure you visit the BC Hydro site for more information on Electrical Safety